How to hack a website

How to hack a website


1 min read

Today, I'm going to teach you how to hack a website. Download the tool from here ignore the malware warning from your antivirus, it is a false-positive!!! Most of the hacker tools are classified as a virus/malware, so this is 100% normal for a hacker tool, but back to the tutorial! When you have opened the tool, it will look like this:

maxresdefault.jpg Select the IP or domain of the website you want to hack and press IMMA CHARGING MAH LAZAR button, and you are hacking the website! But take note that if the website you are trying to hack may have DDoS Protection or TCP/UDP Blocking that makes hacking the website harder. Hacking Google, Microsoft etc. will be impossible because they have a LOT of fallback and servers! By the way, to stop the hacking, just press the big button again.

Im not responsible for any damage made by you. If FBI catches you hacking Google with 900+ servers i will not help you out getting out of prision!
